We are excited to announce our latest photo contest -- "The Prince Resort Experience." This photo contest will run through June 8, 2018.The 1st place winner of "The Prince Resort Experience" photo contest will receive a $300 resort credit and two runners up will receive a $100 resort credit each!Take lots of photos and submit your best ones to us and you may be the 1st place winner (or a runner up)! Â
Submit your photo orÂ
view the contest gallery.Thank you to those who participated in our last photo contest -- "Coastal Adventures at Prince Resort". All of us at
Prince Resort enjoyed viewing the great vacation photos that were submitted.[caption id="attachment_90" align="aligncenter" width="400"]

Kevin W. with his mother, winner of "My Coastal Adventure" photo contest.[/caption]Kevin W. was selected as the winner of our "My Coastal Adventure" photo contest! His beautiful picture captured a treasured family moment shared between mother and son. Runners up include Olivia B. and Susan E. Congratulations to the photographers of these beautiful photos!